Selling Niche Websites
Sharon Gourlay teaches people how to work online and create their dream life through blogging at Digital Nomad Wannabe. Selling Niche Websites Crash Course takes a behind-the-scenes look at Sharon’s process of building, valuing, listing, and selling six-figure niche websites.
Course Time: 36 mins
Course Content
- What is a niche website?
- What’s the difference between a niche website and an authority website?
- What aspects of selling niche sites needs to stay secret and why?
- What’s an example of one particular niche site that you sold?
- How much time and money is it going to take to reach your goal of selling one six figure niche site per year?
- Which website selling platforms do you list with? And do you work with a broker?
- Should I be concerned about listing my website for sale on a marketplace? Will people see how much money it makes and copy the site?
- What goes into creating an attractive listing?
- What factors play the biggest role in determining the sale price of a website?
- How do you know if a buyer is serious or wasting your time?
- What are some steps I should take to prepare my site for sale? And when should I start prior to listing?
- If I’m starting from scratch here, where do I begin in regards to choosing a niche and getting started?
Selling Niche Websites
Click here to download the mp3 (81.7 MB)
Resources Referenced in this Course
DigitalNombadWannabe.com – Sharon’s website about how to make money from blogging and niche sites.
DNW – Making Money From Blogging Facebook Group – One of the best groups on Facebook about blogging. I’ve been a member for a long time.
Flippa – Sharon recommends for selling cheap websites.
Empire Flippers – for basic niche sites like Amazon affiliate sites because they’ve got an easy valuation tool.
FE International – Sharon’s favorite website broker. She prefers them because they work through the process before providing the recommendation, whereas Empire Flippers won’t talk to you until they have all the site documentation, and they pay faster.